Improving our neural network (96% MNIST)

Now that we have created our artisan handcrafted neural network we should improve it with some modern techniques that a bunch of really smart people came up with. When I was making these improvements I used the kaggle competition on...

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Bald Eagle Leslie Matrix (PVA) with numpy

Population Viability Analysis, or PVA, is a core concept in conservation. And at its heart is the Leslie Matrix Model! As someone who loves birds and data I wanted to explore using Lefkovitch Models, a modified Leslie Model, in a...

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Neural network with numpy

Neural networks are a pretty badass machine learning algorithm for classification. For me, they seemed pretty intimidating to try to learn but when I finally buckled down and got into them it wasn't so bad. They are called neural networks...

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We are data boys!

This is Florian and Oliver.

Data boys, brothers, Baltimore and NYC (maybe California soon!). We will post all sorts of goodies and tutorials on data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and modeling projects that we are working...

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